SiteOne Crawler GUI is a cross-platform website crawler and analyzer for SEO, security, …
A Svelte 5 UI component library, inspired by Vercel's Geist, thoughtfully designed to deliver …
Dashboard inspired by Supabase UI and made with SvelteKit as frontend and Supabase as backend.
A fast blog starter that reads data off GitHub Discussions.
A simple and extensible framework for ESP32 based IoT projects with a feature-rich, beautiful, and …
A Reveal.js boilerplate with Svelte, TailwindCSS and Vite
SvelteKit x Tailwind CSS x Supabase x Turborepo (pnpm)
Nuzlocke Tracker - For all Pokémon games and Rom Hacks to record, track, advise on encounters, and …
Website to generate color palettes in Okhsl and HSLuv color spaces