An Explorable Explainer of K-Means Clustering
A simple and extensible framework for ESP32 based IoT projects with a feature-rich, beautiful, and …
A Custom Element that auto-generates forms, declaratively. Works with Lit, Solid, Vue, Svelte, …
A small project demonstrating a `typesafe-i18n` integration with SvelteKit
Svelte action that leverages the Intersection Observer API to trigger reveal on scroll transitions.
Choose from Angular, React, Svelte, and Vue applications with an Azure Functions API, that deploys …
[SUSPENDED] A portable web file manager and gallery
Examples for using Connect with various TypeScript web frameworks and tooling.
A Reveal.js boilerplate with Svelte, TailwindCSS and Vite
A multiseries, SVG progressbar component made with Svelte
Hello world apps for angular, react, svelte, and vue